Big Mesa Farm found its inception in the small town of Bolinas, Ca.
What an honor it was to farm in this town! We were lifted by many hands along the way in the form of local buyers, farmer friends and neighbors, landlords, and dear souls who showed up and did the daily work. Year one was one full acre of cilantro plantings distributed to the 4 Whole Foods in the county. The one woman operation was jokingly called lady cilantro. The farm grew from there to be 5.5 acres of over 20 different crops grown specifically for existing markets. Big Mesa Farm enjoyed strong relationships with local Natural Foods store The Good Earth, attended the Point Reyes Farmers Market, and delivered to restaurants. After 7 years, some wonderful friendships were made, some good times had, but the farm’s stay in Bolinas was coming to a close. Although Big Mesa Farm was on to a new piece of land and new community, we will forever be grateful for the start we had in Bolinas; the land, the residents, and our friends there. The farmland leases and infrastructure were carefully transferred over to Shao Shan Farm and Gospel Flat Farm and the Big Mesa supplies packed up for its new home.
Comptche, CA! Caymin, Alejandro (partner at the time), and family rented some trailers, packed up tractors, irrigation, seeds, tools, and our hearts and hauled off to a little mountain valley located about a half hour from the coastal town of Mendocino, Ca. The valley is bordered by a small creek that meanders through the redwood forest and was reportedly cleared using animal power about 100 years ago. The Homestead is dated 1890.
Digging through the layers of past inhabitants, we were in wonder of the new life, but also pressed to get up and running quickly. The expenses of farm ownership are no joke! First order was electricity. Luckily, we have a good team and Bruce Ackerman (Dad) is a solar wiz and was unstoppable in designing the system. Cyril Ackerman had just finished electrician school so he was ready to help with wiring, ditch digging, and the wire pulls! During these first three months the farm was called headlamp farm and the starry nights were epic. Although, when the lights did finally come on, we definitely had a small dance party! We also worked hard to get a bath house going. Diane Holzer (Mom) has an amazing aesthetic sense and always helps to make sure things feel comfortable and beautiful. By that time it was time to till the pasture and start the process of planting. We did many soil samples, brought in loads of compost and researched what crops could do well in the new climate. Much of the field was dry farmed the first year as the irrigation system was still to be dreamed up. It was fun to watch melons, corn, beets and carrots grow without irrigation.
The summer heat was new and we soon realized a cooler would make our harvest schedule a lot easier. Luckily the Good Farm Fund in Mendocino county had a grant offered that we were awarded with the promise of producing more food for Mendocino County. With partnerships with great builders like Will Lennox we designed and built a walk-in cooler. Game changer!
Slowly we are building relationships with local stores, restaurants and the MendoLake Food hub, and simultaneously figuring out how to grow in our new soil and climate. In 2021 we are finally putting in that irrigation system and feel a bit more grounded in which crops do well here. Some of our main wholesale crops include tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, radish, salad mix, and herbs.
We produce nearly year round but slow down in the winter to have time for other pursuits. Caymin likes to go surfing in her free time. Some mentionable members of the farm would be the small goat herd and guardian dog, Sandy. Also Tui the amazing kitty who keeps the farm rodent population down.
So many wonderful friends and family have come and lent their help and support; you know who you are, please do know that we appreciate you! We are working on resiliency, were are working on peace, we are working on sustainability, we are trying to live free.
Create the world you want to see.
Farming with Love,
Owner operator
Big Mesa Farm